Welcome to ProPurchaser

ProPurchaser offers COPA members a free 60-day trial offer plus a $200 discount on an annual membership plan or renewal.
ProPurchaser Helps Supply Chain Professionals Succeed in Negotiations
Established in 2001, ProPurchaser has grown to become a trusted resource for thousands of Procurement Professionals. They track prices for hundreds of commodities and other cost drivers that affect suppliers’ production costs; and send out alerts as changes occur. ProPurchaser contains data, tools and resources that allow members to speak with authority, improve their position, and achieve their negotiations goals.
So start using ProPurchaser now!
1 – Help Buyers Succeed in Negotiations.
Since 2001, ProPurchaser has been a trusted resource for thousands of Procurement Professionals. We track commodity cost drivers that affect suppliers’ production costs and alert our members as changes occur. When suppliers’ costs fall, our members use this information to negotiate lower prices; when costs rise, they fend off unsupportable increases.
ProPurchaser contains data and tools that allow our members to speak with authority, improve their position, and achieve their negotiating goals.
2 – Help Management Measure Performance.
Most senior managers (and practitioners) say performance and profits would improve if negotiating skills were better measured. The financial rewards of better management are substantial, since purchased materials are often a company’s largest expense category.
ProPurchaser contains simple, effective tools for measuring, managing, and supporting price negotiations performance.

Angela Frank
VP Member Services