Welcome to Convictional

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Convictional’s Seller Network includes some of the world’s top brands in every industry.


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Convictional helps product suppliers sell to all of their business customers, all powered and informed by a multi-channel B2B commerce platform.

From onboarding to product and pricing management to generating wholesale orders, Convictional provides the end-to-end solution that makes online B2B happen. Convictional is located across three major cities in the United States and Canada and works with customers globally.

Convictional was founded under the belief that suppliers shouldn’t have to use different systems to service different kinds of business customers.

Today, B2B commerce is wholesale and dropship. But those orders aren’t created equally.

B2B happens across EDI, email, phone, and fax. Fragmentation of B2B ordering has created friction for sales, IT, and ecommerce teams. That’s why Convictional has developed a centralized B2B commerce platform that can handle any order from all of your customers. They exist to solve this problem for their customers, and improve B2B.


How it Works

    • Convictional integrates on both sides of the relationship, supplier and retailer.
    • They sync the inventory, product info from the supplier to retailer.
    • Customers purchase from the retailer’s platform.
    • Supplier ships the product to the customer.
    • Convictional automates payments to the supplier.
    • Suppliers need only one integration with Convictional.
    • Suppliers can access the retailers in the Convictional network – no extra IT effort for each new participation.
    • Content – Images/descriptions – there is an option to have these auto-fed to retailers.
    • Convictional have pre-built connectors with the majority of Ecomm platforms, including Shopify, Shopify Plus, Magento, BigCommerce, WooCommerce WordPress, and 3dcart

Convictional Automates Marketplace Operations & Vendor Enablement

    • Attract any online store as a B2B customer by offering them an automated platform for dropship
    • Use Convictional to onboard and integrate with online stores who don’t already use the platform. Increase your buyer close rate by offering an automated and integrated way to dropship.
    • Source, on-board and integrate with supplier
    • Sync live inventory and product information
    • Share fulfillments with supplier and customers
    • Automate payments to sellers and iterate catalogue
    • Retailer lists products from sellers on Ecomm platform
    • Customer buys product from retailer’s Ecomm platform
    • Seller ships product direct to the customer
    • Automate payments to seller


Canadian Office Locations:
525 Adelaide Street W
Toronto, ON
Office: 647-812-2814

23 Barrel Yards Blvd
Waterloo, ON
Office: 613-743-3182


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